Monday, March 31, 2014

NEGATIVE CASTINGS - a new situation by Boris Dornbusch am Freitag in der WOW Nachtgalerie!


Boris Dornbusch’s practice investigates the relationship of image and reality on the act of making work through which a reality is fabricated, rather than portrayed. In this process, he focuses on the social collateral of surplus value and the facades of prosperity & harmony that often inadequately mask the casualties of a free market society. Applying a minimalist vocabulary, his work ranges from situations that are elusive, ephemeral and fleeting to larger installation that take place both in-between public & private domains.
Dornbusch lives in London & Heidelberg. So far his work has been exhibited across New Zealand, the UK, Germany, Sweden, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Austria & France.

For more info please visit

 sound: Edvenjah

@ willibender nachtgalerie
Emil-Maier-Strasse 9
Friday 4 April 2014
9pm - open end

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